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Level II Work

In completing my Chinese major, I have taken a variety of 200 level classes. Two of my favorites that I took were Asian Conversations 220: Interpreting Journeys and Asian Studies/Religion 289: Peace, Buddhism, and Justice.


Asian Conversations 220 was the third and final class of the Asian Conversations program. We studied
"modern reinterpretations of traditional Asia focusing on major social and cultural aspects of the 19th through 21st centuries." My final for this class (below) was a paper about the health benefits of tea. Tea is such an important part of Asian culture and history that it was interesting to look at the scientific benefits in present day. It also examines how tea culture has changed over the years. 


Asian Studies/Religion 289 was such an important class to take. We studied "the contemporary Buddhist moral teachings on social issues such as violence and peacemaking, human rights and social justice, and humanity and the environment." I learned a lot about Buddhism and how a even though the religion preaches peace, they can still participate in social justice issues such as climate change. The paper I wrote is about the relationship between the First Noble Truth, greed, and the current climate crisis. 

© 2021 Jade Larson // All work and photos are my own

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